15 Ways of Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

Do you ever worry to the point where it gets in the way of your daily activities? Or do you feel so depressed that it ruins your mood? Do you both frequently feel these same emotions together? There are others besides you.


According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders, which include social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, and generalized anxiety disorder, are the most prevalent mental health issues among adults in the United States, impacting 19.1% of the population annually.

15 Ways of Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

A nutritious diet, frequent exercise, getting enough sleep, spending time with supportive friends and family, cutting back on alcohol and other drugs, and keeping a healthy lifestyle are all beneficial lifestyle adjustments that can help lessen the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Anxiety and depression disorder can make it difficult to go to work or school, and maintain friendships, and can also cause someone to avoid social interactions entirely. These symptoms can be so severe that they persist for days or weeks before the social scenario arises.

1. Steer clear of alcohol

Parties and alcohol usually go hand in hand. People who suffer from social anxiety frequently feel like they would feel less restrained if they had a few drinks.

Alcohol addiction might develop as a coping mechanism. If you develop a tolerance, you may require increasing amounts of alcohol to lower anxiety.3. Your likelihood of acting in ways that will exacerbate your social anxiety in the future increases with your level of unconstrained behaviour.

While alcoholism may seem like a short-term solution, it can exacerbate social anxiety because it prevents you from developing the required coping mechanisms. Put differently, prolonged avoidance exacerbates anxiety.

2. Challenge Yourself

Regardless of your want to revoke your RSVP, set a challenge for yourself and go to the party. You will probably feel more at ease the more social situations you put yourself in, albeit it will take some time. Asking a friend to accompany you is one method to make yourself go. If you are having second thoughts, they can help you get through the door and hold you accountable.

3. Counter Negative Thoughts

In social settings, you could have self-consciousness and worry about being judged by others.
The National Institute of Mental Health. Shyness is not enough to describe social anxiety disorder.

Taking action against your own negative beliefs can help reduce your anticipation anxiety. Recognize negative thoughts, such as “People will think I’m stupid,” and label them accordingly.

Individuals who suffer from social anxiety frequently exaggerate their worries and believe the worst. Attempt to reason through these ideas. Consider the reasons for the partygoers’ perceptions of your ignorance. You may be afraid of their poor opinion of you if you’re shaking and finding it hard to speak.

Seek for proof to refute any negative thoughts you may have. Are you making an assumption based on what you know or on what you assume other people would think? In the opposite situation, how would you feel about someone else? Next, you should substitute these negative beliefs with neutral or positive ones, such as, “I will have interesting conversations with new people.”

4. Avoid negative self-talk

When you experience anxiety, it’s critical to keep a positive outlook on yourself. Studies have indicated that individuals with anxiety frequently recall bad experiences more vividly than good ones. Putting yourself down will simply serve to confirm this. Try reminding yourself that it’s alright if you were too nervous today and that you’ll try again the following time.

5. Reward yourself

Realizing how important it is to conquer your anxieties is crucial. When you succeed, celebrate your accomplishment and use your reward as inspiration to try again.

Again using the bus as an example, you might arrange to meet up with pals at the bus stop where you would be getting off, or you could take the bus and then stop at the ice cream shop for a treat. This will make riding the bus appear less frightening in the future and assist in reinforcing good memories of the experience.

6. Face your fears

When your fear stems from a bad experience or a scenario you have envisioned, it’s crucial to face your concerns, according to research2. There’s a good probability nothing negative will occur if you face your fear. You can ease your thoughts or replace the unpleasant image in your head with a safe recollection to make it easier the next time.

It’s not simple to face your fears. Although it requires bravery, you don’t have to go it alone. For support, consider bringing along a friend or member of your family.

If you experience significant anxiety, start small to address your worry. If you find that using public transportation makes you anxious, start by simply waiting at the bus stop rather than boarding one. To minimize the duration of your exposure to this phobia, ride the bus with a companion the next time and get off a short distance away. You can attempt riding the bus farther in the future; with time, it will become less difficult.

Studies have indicated that individuals experiencing anxiety often find it difficult to accept good events and discount the chance that the event will turn out well in the future. To fight this, it could be beneficial to record your experiences of facing your fear in a journal or take a picture of yourself each time you do so.

7. Figure out what is causing the anxiety

If you are unsure of the source of these feelings, consider jotting down anything that is on your mind. After everything has been put down on paper, go over it all and determine whether anything is contributing to your worry. Make plans for how you can address any triggers you become aware of.

If you are stressed out because you have a huge deadline approaching, make a schedule for all you need to do. In this manner, the problem becomes less intimidating as you can see a solution. It has been demonstrated that this type of problem-solving. is an efficient way to reduce anxiety.

8. Take some time out

Try pausing a task for a little while to allow your mind to clear if you notice that it’s causing you anxiety. Perhaps you’re studying for a test and you become nervous just thinking about taking the test.

Take a break; you won’t benefit mentally or physically from studying when you’re feeling this way, and you probably aren’t doing your best. Five minutes spent doing something else should help you feel less agitated.

9. Allow yourself to feel your emotions

It’s quite common to have anxiety or fear occasionally. Allow yourself to sit with these feelings for a short while. Remember that it’s normal for feelings and anxieties to come and go. It’s critical to remember that experiencing anxiety is perfectly acceptable.

After a short while, engage in your favourite activity. Perhaps make a friend call, bake something, or take a stroll. This will assist in calming your current emotional state.

10. Work out

Running, cycling, and swimming are excellent aerobic exercises that help lower anxiety. Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that reduce feelings of anxiety.

11. Pay attention to your breathing.

Breathing shallowly and quickly is a common sign of worry and panic. It’s crucial to breathe slowly and deeply to help you relax and control your body.

Your autonomic nervous system (ANS) modulates the symptoms you experience and triggers the fight-or-flight response when you experience fear or anxiety. The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) are the two branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Because the PNS lowers arousal, your body is not ready for danger.

However, the SNS intervenes to trigger your fight-or-flight response when you experience excessive stress, fear, or worry, which results in anxiety symptoms. Lowering anxiety sensations and reactivating PNS in your body can be achieved by concentrating on taking calm, deep diaphragmatic breaths.

No matter where you are, try taking a seat and closing your eyes. Count to five while inhaling, and visualize the air filling your chest and stomach. Exhale gradually while counting to five. Continue for several minutes until you start to feel more at ease.

You can also use the 4-7-8⁵breathing technique:

  • Comfortably sit or stand
  • Take four deep breaths.
  • Breathe in for seven counts.
  • Exhale for eight counts.

Make sure that as you inhale, the air fills your diaphragm as well as your chest. Continue for several minutes.

12. Attend to your fundamental needs.

It can be tempting to let go of your regular routines, such as your eating and sleeping schedule, when faced with excessive anxiety or terror, but it’s crucial to tend to these basic requirements.

Your body requires food and sleep to function, so even if you adhere to this minimal schedule, you will be taking steps toward conquering these feelings.

13. Learn to say no

It’s acceptable to say no if you’re not ready to face your fears just yet, even though doing so is a crucial step towards conquering them. Saying no will assist in reducing anxiety if the notion of doing something overwhelms you.

14. Journal it out

Writing in a journal is an effective way to lessen fear and anxiety. You may feel as if a burden has been lifted off your shoulders and your mind is clearer after putting everything down on paper. You can conquer your fear or anxiety more easily as a result of this.

15. Ask for help

It can be difficult to ask for help when you need it. Recall that dealing with fear and worry can be challenging, and getting support is acceptable.

Speak with your loved ones about your feelings, or visit a physician or counsellor directly. They are qualified to assist you with these problems and may supply you with strategies to get over your worries.


Overcoming anxiety and depression is a journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and a proactive approach. By implementing the various strategies discussed in this article, such as seeking professional help, therapy, practising self-care, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and building a support network, individuals can work towards managing and overcoming anxiety and depression.

Remember, everyone’s experience is unique, so it’s important to find the strategies that resonate with you and seek individualized support when needed. With the right tools and support, it is possible to regain control of your mental health, find inner strength, and cultivate a fulfilling and balanced life. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help and take the first step towards a brighter future.

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